OAK:Tarot of Love and Romance

{April 29, 2008}   Temperance



Symbol-Male and female sitting at table in good conversation.

Meaning-Here the physical male and female together form a type of comfortable, co-dependent unity and stability in their physical relationship. Each takes upon themselves that which is lacking in the other and fulfills that part of themselves by the personal growth required. Through effort they grow and become people that they were not before. They gain an awareness of self in these new and powerful roles that they play. Roles that are complementary to each other.

TEMPERANCE is related to many other cards of the Tarot. It is related to the Princess of Swords, Five of Swords and Five of Locks.

It’s element is Air. It’s power is Air of Earth. It controls the Sepiroth HOD and the planet MERCURY.

In the Tarot Trumps TEMPERANCE leads from YESOD to TIPHERETH.

This is a time of social activity. In various cycles I found this social activity within support groups and through the internet. It was for me a good time of sharing and having fun with others. It is notable that this is a type of collective social activities and not centered around one individual. This activity does later lead to my actually meeting my soulmate for the cycle.

She is enjoying her personal relationship with her collective soulmate and a stable and deep relationship is formed that is social in nature.

{April 10, 2008}   The Tower




Symbol-Tower is destroyed by lightning and is falling into the ocean.

There is serious conflict in male/female relationships

Meaning-Open conflict and explosive differences of opinion as each finds out that the other is not what was expected or understood. There is a destruction of the myths of what is male and what is female. This is first hand reality of the differences between the two physical partners.

THE TOWER is related to many other cards in the Tarot. It is related to the King of Swords, Queen of Swords, Prince of Swords, Princess of Swords, King of Cups, Queen of Cups, Prince of Cups, Princess of Cups, Five of Keys, Five of Swords, Five of Cups, Five of Locks, Six of Keys, Six of Swords, Six of Cups and Six of Locks.

It’s Elements are Air and Water. It’s powers are Fire of Air, Air of Air, Water of Air, Earth of Air, Fire of Water, Air of Water, Water of Water and Earth of Water.

In the Tarot Trumps THE TOWER leads from HOD to NETZACH.

I continue working with various astral energies that I can now sense quite strongly. I am trying to master them and do things with them. Astral projection becomes a good way of gathering information that I never knew before. I am still at this point unaware of the physical existence of my new soulmate and don’t know who she is.

She is experiencing serious difficulties in her relationship with her collective soulmate. They are both learning what the other is really like and it is disturbing to both of them.

{April 3, 2008}   Hope





Symbol-Male finds beautiful jeweled necklace

Female is transformed into a tree.

Meaning-This is the card of hope. The spiritual waters of Binah are poured out over the juncture of land and water. Binah is of the true soulmate beginning to take an active part in the affairs the physical couple. Through the soulmates unseen influence in dreams there is an apparent mending and reconciliation of physical opposites. The physical couple begin to understand each other better than before from a purely idealistic and spiritual perspective lacking completely in physical wisdom.

THE STAR is related to other cards in the Tarot. It is related to the King of Cups, Queen of Cups, Prince of Cups, Princess of Cups, Seven of Keys, Seven of Swords, Seven of Cups, Seven of Locks, Eight of Keys, Eight of Swords, Eight of Cups and the Eight of Locks.

It’s Element is Water. It’s powers are Fire of Water, Air of Water, Water of Water and Earth of Water.

In the Tarot Trumps THE STAR leads from YESOD to NETZACH.

This is the card of hope. The spiritual waters of Binah are poured out over the juncture of earth and water. This means that my astral contact with her on a high spiritual level through my dreams is having a mending effect on her physical relationship with her collective soulmate. Through this influence they begin to understand each other better than before by the formation of a purely idealistic and spiritual perspective lacking completely in physical wisdom. This intellectual and abstract perspective is the result of my energy combining with hers and she applies it to her physical relationship.

There is also a definite closure in my physical and dream life concerning my previous source of female energy. This contact is severed by a dream in which my new soulmate contact is seen to take the place of my old one. The collective energy is beginning the process of being phased out of my psychic system in favor of a more pure single soulmate energy.

et cetera