OAK:Tarot of Love and Romance

{July 26, 2008}   Emperor



Symbol-King is seated on throne.

Behind him is large head of Goddess.

Meaning-At this point she has driven out all other energies and is able to permanently activate her own etheric body out of the combination of soulmate phase-locked energies. Her etheric body is created within the King’s body out of their combined energies and when finished is transferred to her physical body.

THE EMPEROR is related to many other cards of the Tarot. It is related to the King of Keys, Queen of Keys, Prince of Keys, Princess of Keys, Ace of Keys, Ace of Swords, Ace of Cups and the Ace of Locks.

It’s Element is Fire. It’s power is Fire of Fire, Air of Fire, Water of Fire and Earth of Fire.

In the Tarot Trumps this leads from TIPHERETH to CHOKMAH.

This is a strange time in which our combining energies act to drive all foreign energies out of her psyche and astral body. What happens is that in dreams I relive various significant and important aspects of her past physical life within my dreams. In doing this I am both the person that she interacted with and at the same time a part of her awareness. In one cycle I had to relive an experience that my soulmate of the cycle had experienced as a child. It was a memory of being sexually abused as a child. In this dream I was both her and at the same time the person abusing her. This was very uncomfortable for me to experience. These dreams seem to condense main elements so that many similar memories are relived as one collective dream that represents all of the memories.

Because these are past memories of hers, she has no awareness of me in these dreams. My energy is just replacing the energy of the other person until all that is left is my energy in combination with her energy. As a result, this time is one of little dream activity for her. It is a time of intense dream activity for me.

When that process is complete her energy starts flowing into me in the same way and she starts forcing other peoples energy out of my psyche and astral body. She also experiences the deep aspects and significant events of my physical life. I am completely unaware of this and have very little dream activity at all. During this process I feel as if a female body were super imposed over my own.

I am gradually using her energy to build a female etheric body within my own physical body and I have a growing constant awareness of this body. This feeling is toward the end so strong that it is quite distracting to me. When this etheric body is completed it leaves my physical body and attaches itself to her as a permanently activated etheric body.

With the permanent activation of her etheric body she is no longer co-dependent with her collective soulmate even though she remains within the physical relationship. She is a complete person in her own right and accepts him as he is while feeling free to be herself.

He of course is not growing at the same rate as she is and he remains co-dependent on her. His energy is attaching itself to another female soulmate. They are no longer sexually active as a couple and the relationship is having serious problems but neither one wants to let go of it.

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