OAK:Tarot of Love and Romance

{July 30, 2008}   Hierophant



Symbol-The Pope or religious figure has hand out in benediction.

There are freshly minted coins of a new design.

Meaning-This explosion of pure creative power is the result of our external astral and etheric energy finally phase-locking together in a burst of creative force. It is the establishment of our future world.

All of the old symbols are reinterpreted with a new meaning as a new type of coin.

THE HIEROPHANT is related to many other cards in the Tarot. It is related to the King of Keys, Queen of Keys, Prince of Keys, Princess of Keys, Ace of Keys, Ace of Swords, Ace of Cups and the Ace of Locks.

It’s Element is Fire. It’s powers are Fire of Fire, Air of Fire, Water of Fire and Earth of Fire.

In the Tarot Trumps this leads from TIPHERETH to CHOKMAH.

With the completion of her etheric body the energy continues to build up in the earth’s astral planes. My energy is being drawn to her and I continue having very few dreams. The reason for my not having dreams is because I am only indirectly involved in the current astral activity. The activity is going on around her and not around me. Our combined energy is a very strong phase-locked energy. Our combined phase-locked energy continues to increase and a great mass of energy is built up until she spontaneously uses it to create astrally a future world for herself and for me. (This is tricky as I appear in her dreams as her collective soulmate during this phase and she thinks she is creating it for the two of them.)

This is another example of how in spite of ourselves progress is made in the direction that we must go with our lives. By this time all that she shares with her collective soulmate is an extreme physical and extreme spiritual connection. The rest is shared by our phase-locked energies.

After she creates this etheric future world for the two of us, I find that I can’t enter into it with the etheric body that I currently am using. That is because my etheric body is not pure and phase locked in the same manner that hers is. My etheric body is composed of collective energy that I have been given from those that have supported me in my efforts.

Стоматологическая клиника Роял Дент дает стоматологические услуги на самом высшем уровне, инноваторские методики
лечения болезней зубов и десен!
Профилактика стоматологических болезней.
Терапевтическая стоматология.
Пародонтология. Стоматологи Роял
Дент предлагают гарантированное исцеление гингивита, пародонтита, пародонтоза, кровоточивости десен, а также остальных воспалительных процессов десны.

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