OAK:Tarot of Love and Romance

{August 20, 2008}   Divinity-The Fool



Symbol-Figure of Fool about to walk off cliff

is attacked by animal

Meaning-At this point she is violently repelled from her physical relationship with her collective soulmate. He has discovered that she is not a mate to him anymore and reacts perhaps violently toward her. That relationship is never renewed.

She discovers that the future she had created was not with him but with me instead and she feels as if she has made a fool out of herself.

THE FOOL is related to many other cards in the Tarot. It is related to the King of Keys and the Ace of Keys.

It’s Element is Fire. It’s power is Fire of Fire. It controls the forces of light and electricity. It also controls the Sepiroth KETHER and the planet URANUS.

In the Tarot Trumps this leads from CHOKMAH to KETHER.

This brings about the final resolution of things as I struggle to regain control of the astral and etheric planes from this lower physically based level. I experience a severe and viscous astral battle with her collective soulmate in the final resolution of these energies. At my victory I regain the use of my etheric body that she had given birth to.

That etheric body was what my battle with her collective soulmate was about because he wanted that body for his own purposes that were opposed to mine.

She is faced with a crisis in which she realizes that many things that she believed to be true were not really true and that nothing in her relationship with her collective soulmate is what she thought it was. She realizes now that I have been the person she was interacting with in her dreams.

That old relationship is over and she is free to begin the one with me if she chooses. This is the sharing and drinking of the Holy Grail.

What is left is the final working out in physical life of what has been created astrally. This may take some time but it will come to pass as physical events. The two soulmates will be united in a physical relationship.

Keaton says:


I absolutely love the illustrations you have for each of the tarot cards. Very well done. How can I purchase a deck ?

Mike says:

Just passing by.Btw, you website have great content!

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